Olive Judy Blue Joggers


Pull On Double Cuff Judy Blue Joggers

Olive Judy Blue Joggers

Put a spring in your step with these unique Olive Judy Blue Joggers! Make a statement and stand out from the rest with their deep olive hue and double cuff. Pull on these joggers and you'll be ready for any adventure that comes your way!


  • Inseam Uncuffed is 30.5"
  • Scarlet Pull On Joggers
  • Drawstring with functional button and zipper
  • Elastic waistband
  • Material Contents: 93% Cotton, 6% Polyester, 1% Spandex


0: 0/2, 1: 2/4, 3: 4/6, 5: 6/8, 7: 8/10, 9: 10/12, 11: 12/14, 13: 14/16, 15/32: 16/18
Plus sizing: 14W: 16, 16W: 18, 18W, 20, 20W: 22, 22W: 24
(Plus sizes have more room in the hips and thigh areas when you are comparing sizes 13, 15, 14W and 16W)


Relaxed fit.

JB 88532